...hope remains.

[228] - Fia, m'love! ♥ And sure, once the angst is out of the way. Smile


He didn't hear the first call out to him, Fia's voice quiet against the rushing thoughts in his head. When she stopped near him, though, murmuring uncertainity, he flicked an ear her way and glanced over from behind his hands. Fia? Sure enough, there she was, wrapped in a blanket and looking nervous, if concerned, about him. He hated that look instantly.

The boy let his shoulders sag a bit and moved to wave her over, a show of control over his battered emotions. No, no, it's fine. I could use the company. He corrected softly, though 'soft' was difficult to manage with a voice like his. Somehow, he pulled it off well enough not to sound angry in that moment.

He waited a moment for her to respond, to come closer, then moved to stand with a creak of worn out joints. Once standing, and if she came closer, he'd move to wrap his mate in a tight hug, not saying anything just yet. He'd come to realize what had truely upset him that day. The rat hadn't stolen cloth from him, it'd stolen hope that his mother was still alive. That last thing she'd given him, the last thing he had of her, gone. ...She's dead, Fia. He whispered into dark hair if she allowed him, his voice cracked with an unusual tone; greiving.

Coding by the Mentors!

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