One step closer


Acid washed green eyes watched the borders expecting and demanding someone to come to him and greet him swiftly. The brown and grey colored coyote wolf male hybrid hated this waiting game just as much as he hated wolves. Wolves, waiting, and many other things the male hated. Rojo knew if he made a list a actually written list that he him-self would sit down and take the time off his mission to write, it might not ever be finished and he would have failed his first and foremost important mission yet, and that was to find a place where he would fit in and they would accept him as a fellow coyote and not as stupid, smelly wolf. The male would not and could not live with wolves, they where way to pig head, stuck up and self-righteous for the hybrids own person liking.

Seeing the wolf come, the male wanted to groan and roll his eyes and turn around and leave these lands, he had meet the she coyote Aeron and had falsely assumed that all of these pack members back here would be more like her, and with that in mind he though more like her in the way of being a coyote, and this male was now looking at him, and proving him wrong. Oh how wrong he was.

”You see I’m on a mission to learn about the packs. Just asking for a few days of someone’s time, and also to be allowed to learn of your pack and its ways. After the time that I am allowed I will be off. That is just that pure and simple.” The male executed what his mission was, so he left out the part about looking for a pack where it was lead and lived in by coyote’s but well worth it in order to know about one more pack and it’s ways.


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