Girls Night!
WC: 535

Belle felt honoured to receive the magical bracelet. To feel safe that she could look for it if someone who looked like her tried to trick her. To the female it looked as gold and bright in the creations of her mind. She ran her fingers over it before slipping it on to her wrist. She looped her arm around her friend’s and was glad to start heading to the festival. Do ya need anythin? More? Shall we go? She asked carefully not to overstep herself. Maybe she had another piece to add to herself or something to bring she did not know. If not she would be ready to head to the festival.

The journey would be frightening for the female as it had been travelling to the Cour des Miracles borders. On her way to find Terra’s home every patch of light that burst through the clouds or trees sent her into a state of panic. As night started to settle upon the land as the pair walked, the dark dual-toned female though excited at that time was ever more fearful. Some whimpers would escape her while other times if a small creature passed she would yelp. Yes she startled so much but she wasn’t worried even with the fear at full because she had Terra. Terra would protect her she was sure of it. When sounds of the festival started to get to them through the trees Belle wondered what kind of people would be there. You think there will be handsome males again? Though she never gave mating a second thought it seemed her mind was settled enough to actually wonder. Her belly leapt with excitement at the thought of dancing with someone wonderful but she doubted she would get brave enough. For what if he was a Sky person… one could never be truly sure. She hoped for fruit again and music there definitely had to be music. We must dance. What do you think? She asked happily.

A branch broke in the distance and Belle yelped once more though this time she threw her arms around Terra. Her blue eyes feverishly searching for anything that might be there to harm them. The shadows that often plagued her in moments like this started to tear away from the trees. They were watching them she was sure of it. But she looked to Terra. They know we’ll be there. She said but she seemed unafraid somehow feeling like she would be ok… that they both would.

She remained silent for much of the journey that remained keeping her eyes set on either Terra or the festival lights in the distance. She would not allow the shadows to keep her back this time no, she was going to have this night no matter what. She was going to prove to her friend that she was more than just a frightened girl that feared the creatures no one seemed to be aware of. One day they would know the truth, one day they would see and she could smile and tell them that she told them so. Oh yes her day would definitely come it was no doubt to the crazy young woman.

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