Guy's Night
Feel free to pp. Smile

He was starting to get used to everyone friendly ruffling his hair. Alaki had been the one to start the trend and the it sort of just went from there. Light apparently liked doing it too. "What if I don't want to go out?" He played, focusing his eyes up as he fixed his hair with careful hands. He blinked and stepped back as Light closed the door; apparently it wasn't a question.

He rolled his eyes with a faded smile and moved to find some suitable clothes. A few moments later, when Light called over to him, he popped out of his bedroom dressed in a black shirt, new jeans and he had his hair back in a short ponytail, tied there with black lace. "Alright, alright, I'm coming." He felt his mood lifting again and though that dark cloud still followed him, the albino found it easier to smile and move about. "So where are we going, then?"

He stepped out of the house with his hands in his pockets, shivering with the change of temperature for a moment and then brushing it off easily; Light's training sessions had paid off. The cold no longer bothered him as much as it used to and he found, with thicker fur, he could ignore it better. "Lead the way."


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