boy with the blues
The bark sounded, and Liam looked up as the figure approached. Though the approaching male had the same eyes as Gabriel, he didn't have the same scars as the male he'd spoke to before. Liam straightened, his golden eyes scanning the regal bearing of the approaching male. He cocked his head slightly, his eyes narrowing. "I'm here to see the Aquila, Gabriel. Is he here?" His eyes scanned the male and his regal bearing, his posture shifting from respectful to somewhat insolent. He crossed his arms, his ears laying back for a moment before lifting again. "I spoke to him when I was younger, I really want to speak to him now. can you go get him?" There was no please, no introduction. Yeah, he was annoyed that Gabriel hadn't heard his call or responded himself. An ear swiveled toward a sound, then turned back to the regal looking coyote.

His mind turned back to the meeting with the Aquila, to the discussion about the butterflies and demons, about God and shadow wolves. It had been a good conversation, a deeper conversation than he'd had with anyone, except maybe Ayasha. He was looking forward to returning to Anathema and rejoining his mate in their shared den. Mostly he liked the pack, though the dens underground got claustrophobic after a while. Ayasha made it better, she always was able to whisper away the butterflies, the dark thoughts, the shadow wolves. Ayasha made life better all around for him, and he wanted to share the news with Gabriel, who probably didn't remember her.

((WC: 261))

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