transduction [aw]

short, sorry - it's been a long day
word count: 240

There was an almost musical quality to the rhythm his axe strokes made. They belonged to a different song than the ones of the loom, but the overall effect was similar. The grayscale male found himself falling into the beat of the work, which made the process easier as his body warmed. Clearly, while Theo possessed great skill in his craft, he was not an athlete. Oh, he was fit enough to survive, but would not be awarded any laurels in any tests of strength, speed, or stamina. So although chopping wood might have been a common enough chore back, the exercise had failed to build any extra-ordinary musculature.

Before Theodoric had begun to tire, he found that he had company. Well, the more the merrier. The terra-cotta male's intro threw off the system of Theo's axe and its last thump was dull & missed the aimed-for mark. "'Hullo!" He responded cheerily, fed by the endorphins exercise created. "I hope I'm not disturbin' you. Choppin' wood is noisy business." The newcomer from across the sea found himself more on edge than he would have been if he'd been making a new acquaintance back The ways and laws of this new land were strange and unfamiliar to him. Still, this mountain was his new - at least for now -, and he'd best go about making the best of it.


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