oh my! the flux capacitor is broken.
This is thread #3 of my current plot grab bag. Please see the link so you know what's going on!

!@#$%Initially, Anselm had found the backpack to be grating and annoying. It rubbed against his fur oddly and irritated the skin beneath, but this minor setback paled in comparison to the potential he saw within. Weighted down with a good seven or eight manuals and reference books, numerous hand tools, and some other hardware, he was ready. The extra weight was invigorating in and of itself--he wondered if he ought to incorporate some weight training into his daily routines. At the bare minimum, if he built up his endurance this way, he would feel all the lighter and more powerful with the extra weight removed.
!@#$%But for now, he was focused on something more subtle and unique. Plopping the bag down rather unceremoniously at his side, he opened it and gave it a rough shake so that all of the inner contents spewed out and landed in a pile around him. Where he chose to do this was no coincidence, however--he now propped his back up against a brick wall and began flipping through one of the books. Its subject was carpentry and woodworking, and he had found a partially collapsed residential home with plenty of plywood and two by fours to play with.
!@#$%As it helped him to absorb the information better, he read several lines aloud: "American and European saws cut with the push and Japanese saws cut with the pull. The Western-style ripsaw is best suited for solid wood and making long cuts with the grain. Hm." He squinted at the picture of the handsaw in the book, and selected the real life version he had found at the gold mine known as an abandoned Home Depot store. Rising to his feet again, he placed the book in the midst of his pile of junk and selected a two by four from the pile of rubble that once was a house. Time to experiment.

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