Give us rest.

Word Count :: BLAH no muse. super tired. ugh, I'm sorry. xD

Tawny didn’t really care what Liliya did at this point, she just wanted to get all of the meat packed up and moved out of the open. Someone, some wild animal, could be smelling and searching for the blood right now. Just as more canines could be looking for them to steal her haul…hopefully they’d get all of this done and get out sooner than later. Leaving the horse by the tree, the girl went back over to the horse carcass and began to saw off more of the meat into large chunks, there was so much! The foal was going to have to carry some stuff as well, not much, but enough to take a bit of weight off of the females.

After a while of cutting and piling the meat in the snow, Tawny turned to setting all of the meat inside of the horse’s raw skin. She wanted to get it wrapped up quickly, and the skin was cool enough to do so now. A few handfuls of snow were deposited on the meat as it was stacked in, her body moving faster and faster. ”We have to hurry…faster.” Perhaps two trip would have to be made to get the rest of the carcasses, but that was a risk Tawny was willing to take. As long as they were fast and got it done in a hurry.

Image courtesy of krystian_o@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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