[CODE] post log
Next two posts. Click QUOTE to nab it.

All characters in a single log, lots of little fancy CSS dohickeys (that will NOT work in Internet Explorer, sry2say!) that make your post log delicious.

There's space at the top of the post log for handy links (make them useful to yourself, not anyone else -- you'll be spending the most time staring at this thing, after all).

Additionally, a game log is included for your co-ranks/job tracking stuff. Or whatever else you can use it for. 83

This probably won't work very well as a long-term thread archive -- IDK, I've moved all my stuff over to the Wiki because it's ridiculously easy. :|

CSS is included in the first post. There are a few comments here and there but this is not not not a well-documented resource.

Also, because I am being lazy, the game log still has all of my information rather than anything useful. >_>

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