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Achievements & Etc.

Eris: Reclutador Job

  1. Introduce a new recruit to Salsola's culture, ideals, and traditions. The Reclutador-hopeful does not need to have recruited this character themselves.

  2. Recruit a member. The Reclutadore-hopeful does not need to be the sponsor, but the recruit must be accepted into Salsola.

Eris: Pescador Job

  1. Prepare for the Last Supper. Salsola can always use food or spice stores for the Supper.
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  2. Build a fishing weir for Salsola in the Pictou River.
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Myrika: Notarii Co-Rank

  1. Find (or make!) an awesome book for Inferni's history to be recorded in; 1 thread in which your character presents said book to the leaders.

  2. 2 threads with long-time packmembers to get their take on the history.

Tlantli: Milite Job

  1. Engage another, more skilled canine in training. The skilled canine may be a foreigner, but if this is the case, your character should not reveal their connection to Salsola.
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  2. Defend a fellow Salsola member from an attack.
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