We need to be out of control. We crave it.
[html]thats a lieee

He had been able to keep her still for a few moments longer, tore bay gaze locked on her golden orange eyes and her pointed features. They trailed done her neck and to the necklace that she wore as she touched it. Oak swallowed a growing lump in his throat; she was certainly something he had never seen before. Even among the crowds of people there was nothing that had caught his attention so fiercely. Oak smiled again, listening as she spoke with a hint of sarcasm in her ton. Yet she answered him, and from what he could tell she was honest and did not hope to fool him. Even if she did, he would allow it.

As he had guessed she was not from the meek lands of ‘Souls, rather she had come from a place he had never heard of. An island. Oak. He spoke, eyes touching her gaze and holding themselves steady. He looked on with interest, the questions gathering at the brim of his throat and wishing to be spoken. But he spoke only one, as to not seem too eager as he may have in the past moments. You came with the merchants then? She must be one of the many that had followed the market caravan north. His question was simple, yet the way he watched her was far more complex.


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