Hadley watched as Sebastian made sure Amy was gone. It was a funny feeling, being protected. Especially by someone so much smaller than him. He'd gotten so used to having no rights, to only existing for a command, at the pleasure of his master's will. A small sigh of relief escaped him as Sebastian turned around, a smile on his face. Part of him was fearful, remembering how many times Amy had approached him, knife in hand with a smile on her face. He watched his new master step over, climbing onto the couch before pouncing on him. Arms wrapped around his neck Hadley held Sebastian, careful not to hurt him.

The red wolf dropped from his neck, bouncing to sit on the couch. The seat was patted as he was told to join him. The same as last time Hadley sat close enough that their fur almost touched, used to Amy's overpossessive nature. He wasn't too sure what would be happening now, or expected of him, but he smiled at Sebastian's words. Yes. Thank you. He shifted a little uncomfortably, not sure what was wanted of him. Should he stand up, move away? No, he'd been told to sit there. He couldn't move. Was Sebastian planning something? Just as Amy had been teaching him he slid a blank look over his face, keeping the worry and concern from showing. His future was just as uncertain as ever.

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