I'll play my soul to sleep
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Joining with my little baby here. <3 Set private for Ezekiel.

The snow drifted gently down from the dark grey sky above settling upon the back of the young girl as she plodded along through the snow. In her mouth rested a rope that was guiding the young painted colt who kept close behind her as they made their way. Even though she would never admit it, the girl was lost to simply put it. After about a couple of hours of travelling after she ran away she had tried to turn around to go home, but it seemed she ended up way off her course and now she was here. Slung over the back of the colt was two brown sacks attached by leather straps, resting across a thick fur lined blanket.

Sylvia let out a long exasperated sigh unsure of what to do. The food she had brought was running way too low for her comfort, and being so small and young she had yet to learn how to hunt. When it ran out she would need to scavenge for a meal and in this cold days it seemed to be near impossible. Looking back to Adonis she realized how tired he was as well and her lip began to tremble. Why had she not listed to her mother? The young sylph unknowingly was upon the Northern border of Inferni. Her legs buckled beneath her as she collapsed upon her butt completely tired.

She knew she was too far away that even if she did howl no one would hear her. Well, nobody that she would want hearing her. Everyone she knew were way too far away back within the comforts of their own home. Her tail curled around her as she let out another sigh, feeling the stinging sensation of tears in her eyes that were threatening to spill over at any moment. The tight feeling constricting her throat began to ebb away as she coughed a few times looking hopelessly up at the sky above her. Maybe she should have followed her mother's and father's directions. Whenever she got lost to just stay put and they would eventually find her. Yet, the girl was too stubborn and never thought she was lost, but her doubt set in a few hours after her initial disappearance. Here she was a week later still unable to find her way back.

Her nose tingled with the scent of others and her head whipped around, large ears pricking forward as she paused, waiting. It would be completely against her nature to call out for help, but the sinking feeling that had set in long ago and she was desperate enough to try. Raising her tiny cream and golden muzzle to the sky she let out a pathetic howl that was mostly loud yelping that had a distinct coyote ring to it. After she howled, she ducked her head back down and placed her paw over the rope that was connected at the other end to her companion. All she could do was wait and hope someone would find her now.
Word Count; 508 words


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