I'll play my soul to sleep
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Sylvia began wondering how she would ever make it back home? It had been such a long trip at least for the youth. The pads upon her paws felt worn right down to nothing and each muscle in her body ached. There would be no way she would be able to find her way back home. Her paw prints in the snow would have been covered after yesterdays little bit of snowfall. It would have been damn near impossible anyways seeing as she wandered in circles so many times before making it to the borders of this place. Her mind was racing with the possibilities of what was to come. Were her parents even looking for her? Even if they were there was no way they would have been able to track her this far. Maybe they thought she got eaten up by some larger predator.

The young sylph began to feel like there was a creature gnawing within the pit of her stomach making her feel sick. Her ears were pressed back against her head momentarily as she thought about whether she was actually going to get sick or not. She was upset to say the least and did not like the situation she had put herself in. All she wanted to be was curled up with her brother in their small home beside her mother and father, but she began to wonder if that would ever actually happen again. There were so many things she wanted, yet most of all the image of her parents and brother were the most prominent in her young mind.

The sound of hooves hitting hard against the ground roused her from her pitiful state. Her heart raced wildly because the thoughts that her parents were on their way excited her. A small smile picked up at the corners of her lips as she looked around trying to pin point the source. Then in the distance was a smudge of stormy grey fur and her heart dropped. Sylvia attempted to press herself against the ground to make herself look smaller. As much as she did not want help from a complete stranger she would need to accept help from someone unless she never wanted to see her parents again or worse, die.

Crimson orbs lifted to meet the male's face as he approached quickly and before she knew it he jumped off the back of the horse to kneel down near her. Her tail quickly pressed up underneath her belly as she cowered in his presence ears falling lightly back against her head as she averted her eyes back to the ground once again.

Adonis pranced behind her back and forth in place as he noticed the other horse whinnying uncontrollably, but Sylvia had no explanation for this behaviour other then that there was another horse. He tossed his head a few times, snorting before walking carefully over towards the mare, nosing her shoulder gently.

I-I-I'm lost, she whispered, her smile had quickly turned into a frown. Tears stung her eyes, threatening to spill over once again. She was unsure of what to do or what to ask. There was no way of knowing who this male was, but she could feel that he felt genuinely concerned for her. Her eyes reached up once again to search his face and she could see no trace of hostility, just the same kind eyes which was a look she was used to from her own mother.

Word Count; 581 words


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