I'll play my soul to sleep
http://i44.tinypic.com/k1orgw.jpg) no-repeat top;">
No problem! Was dealing with a horrible head cold the last two days. <3

Sylvia did not protest in the slightest as Ezekiel lifted her up into his arms with ease. She fit nearly perfectly in the crook of his arms and felt quite relaxed even though she was up at a great height. His fur felt very soft against her side and she felt her cheek brush against his chest as she was jostled slightly when he lifted himself up onto Oblak. The warmth of his body made the numbness in her toes disappear almost instantly, and she did not feel the chill she had felt prior to this. She nestled in close to him as he lead the mare into a fast pace trot. Sylvia tilted her head back to look around Ezekiel's arm to make sure Adonis was following. He was very close to Oblak's side and looked excited to be moving finally.

Her head tilted upwards to look at Ezekiel while he spoke and her ears tipped forward to listen better because the rush of the wind was loud in her ears. She felt comfortable and relaxed now. The worry to figure out how to get home settled in her mind because now he offered a place to stay for as long as she needed. The thought about being so far away from home scared her, but how did she ever expect to get back home when she did not know where home was? As much as she wanted to go back it was the middle of winter, she had no clue where she was in relation to home and she was much to young to be travelling on her own in the first place. It was amazing she had made it this far by herself with the help of the young colt. Maybe once summer came and she was a bit older she could try on her own. By then she would learn how to shift, learn how to ride a horse and maybe learn how to read a map.

I'd like that, she nodded, crimson orbs turning forward to see the direction they were going in. Who knew, maybe she would like it here? The thought of being so alone all over again scared her. If they really wanted her to return home her parents would come find her. And, if they could not find her, what hope was there in her finding them?

She perked up when he mentioned there were other puppies that she could play with. Hopefully they were close to her own age. Her tail began to wag at the sound of that and she decided she would give here a try. This was more then she could ever hope or ask for and she was quite happy to be found. This was the best choice she could think of, but she was so young she was not even sure what she should or should not do. All she knew was that she did not want to be alone again and Ezekiel was more then she could ask for.

Word Count; 505 words


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