I sleep all night and I work all day
Well, those were clever boots indeed. It seemed likely the resourceful stranger could indeed take care of himself - as Caprica had done for almost a year of her life, too - but his next words provoked still more sympathy anyway. "Heyy," she reproached. "Don't say that. I'm sure you don't wanna be on your own forever. There's nothin' wrong with lonering for a little while, sure… but we all need friends sometimes, right?" Which was about the nearest she could get to, without actually mentioning the canine need to be sociable and have a pack. He had already shrugged off her concern, and Caprica scowled amiably at him. "Have it your own way, if you're so determined to live on the edge. I was going to suggest places you could find shelter and company…" She let her voice tail off suggestively, slurping some more mulled apple wine with her eyes unabashedly fixed on his face. For all that they were equals on neutral land, some of the supposed authority of Anathema resided in Caprica wherever she went, these days.

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