[M]Lazy Day
OOC: Yea, sorry if my post seems really short. Will do a lot better in future posts.


The male was sure that this day would be his last. Like his last voyage, he had gotten lost inside the lands of where loner where loaners loomed. But unlike his previous trip, there were no Aniwayan escorts to guide him home. This trip had left the male stranded, deep inside the lands of where neutrals fought one another.

But the male would not be alone for much longer. About two hours after getting lost, he picked up a scent of a lone female dog not far. Echo decided to follow the female's scent. Eventually he ran into a lonely pond with a naked female inside it. At first, the male looked at her with fear. But then, he seemed almost into her. Half seduced, the male quickly greeted the female in a slightly awkward fashion, "Uhm... Hello? My name is Echo."

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