[m] Right on target
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


The joys of not belong to a pack was being able to be where ever someone wanted and where ever they pleased. The tan male kissed his two finger as he then turned around and ran the fingers though the hair that was upon his head and back, he had traded sex for the wooden bow that the blind she wolf was carrying around, it was okay but sex was sexy, and if the female was willing, and it was not of a wolf or wolf hybrid he would then give it to her. That was always something the male was willing to give. Well it was not giving when he was getting something back out of it in return.

It was not the best sex he had ever had, but sex was sex and for a male that was source of relief was his paw, beggars could not be picky when it came to that. The male walked over the two feet tall archery areas; he had gotten some arrows though the same means as the bow, she claimed he was the best she had. Even better than her mate. To bad for the mate that she now had wanted to lay down with him more, but the male had all that he wanted from her.

The male drew the bow back to his chin his two finger holding the string back to where his finger touched his chin while bracing the arrow. The male let his two finger flick forward as the string swilled though the air hitting the target, the male smiled as he walked over to the hay barrel pulling the arrow out as he placed it into his pack, he leaned against the target watching the moving and happening of the area around him.


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