The patter of tiny... wings?

She very clearly remembered being a child and speaking at ten hundred miles a minute on things that were seemingly very important to another member of the pack, usually a frustrated adult that had been roped in or a very willing elder with a look of deep interest upon his or her face. Therefore when her own child, the one taking after Temo's good looks had come up to her babbling on and on at a speed that was most impressive Jace found immense humor and some amount of her own frustration mixed in at the turning of time and occurrences. Dalgina had rambled on for a good fifteen minutes after finding her hybrid mother before Jace had finally been able to understand the summary of her words.

Festival. Neela. Boat. They were the three words that stuck out the most in the girl child's gushing speech and it set her mouth to a slightly frown. A boat? On the sea? It made her cringe mentally just to think of it. She had sent the hyperactive girl off to play with her siblings while she spoke to Neela. The collie woman had recovered from her illness, as Jace preferred to call it and as far as she understood had uprooted herself temporarily to go to the festival, something Jace was unsure of if she was going to attend. she had a few things to trade but not much really.

It didn't take her long to traverse the small distance to the house Neela claimed as home and she wandered around the abandoned human house, her voice calling out for her friend,

"Neela? Neela are you in there? I need to speak to you." She didn't barge in as she had done the last time, that had constituted as extenuating circumstances.

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