Millions of years, where it all began

Reminder re: Tlantli -- she sharpens her teeth, they are pretty shaaarp! Kinda threw her at Gunnar for that reason; maybe she'll be able to deal with his fur easier? XD Also, NPCing Miqui Kimaris for this thread. When it gets to fighting, if necessary, I'll separate Tlantli and Miqui's actions from one another. c:

Neither Tlantli or Miqui should receive debilitating injuries. More scars on Miqui anywhere is cool, just let me know what you do. Tlantli can also be scarred, but plz not on the face or her current scarifications (back, chest, and left shoulder).

Tlantli is by Nat!

The pale coyote awoke long before the dawn, as was her custom. The pale, purplish light of pre-dawn streaming in through her windows roused her, and the coyote inhaled deeply the sweet fragrance of an awakening earth, all of it preparing to come alive with the first touch of sunlight. Her own quarters smelled faintly of wine, but Miqui had departed before Tlantli had fallen asleep the previous night, stumbling back to his own quarters. The yellowish coyote had started spending the occasional evening with her brother once again. Tlantli was delighted to find the presence of others no longer grated on her every nerve; she could enjoy the company of those she'd once loved -- even Miqui, even if he had seemed to turn toward Salsola with a truer heart than her own.

Tlantli sat on the open second floor of her tower, looking to the east and awaiting the dawn. There was strange restlessness in this one, and Tlantli peered around nervously, sniffing the air. She smelled nothing, but a moment later, a vast sound filled the air -- a howl of alarm. She stood on both feet then, teeth bared. There was a sound of running feet, and Miqui's red eyes peered up at her, filled with anger. He barked a question and Tlantli snapped her answer, both delivered in rapid Spanish. The yellow woman did not bother to take the stairs; rather, she leapt the short distance to the ground, and she and Miqui flew toward the sounds of the second alarm, a deeper roar that sounded more like a cougar's scream than a wolf's howl. With the sound, the yellowed coyote ran faster, outpacing her brother easily. Miqui kept up, but barely -- he lagged several feet behind Tlantli, though the dust-colored coyote did not call for his sister to wait.

Tlantli shifted even as she ran, dropping into her four-legged Secui form with only a slowing of pace rather than an entire cessation of movement. She was not so large as some Secui, but she moved with confidence and strange masculinity even in this form, darting toward the noise as the strange scents grew. Tlantli and Miqui, still in his two-legged form, arrived on the scene as Salvia charged from the barn. Tlantli had stopped running upon drawing close to the barn, moving instead at a quick trot; she now ceased forward movement entirely, waiting to see where she would be most useful. Her mind did not question what was going on; she recognized foreigners, and foreigners on Salsola's soil. Miqui charged past her, not waiting a moment before tossing himself into the fray. The dusky coyote moved toward the barn, and Tlantli saw he sought to cut the big black wolf off before he reached the stables.

Salvia seemed to have two wolves to grapple with, so the coyote moved toward her, edging in toward the larger of the pair, also a large dark wolf. She sought to separate him from his smaller coyote fellow, thinking the female would be easy work for Salvia. The coyote bared her teeth, razored and filed as they were, and growled menacingly as she stepped toward him, head down and crimson eyes blazing.

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