j; Ready, Set, Go

YAY~! New table~! = sexiness.

indentAquilina, the name sounded strange on her tongue. Faol watched the girl with slight interest. Her emotions were mixed up, as if there were two people standing in front of her. Faolin couldn't explain it, flinching she fell a step backwards looking at the girl with keen interest. Her right paw was slightly raised in the air, completely surprised by this feeling and mix of emotions. It reminded her a lot of someone else, she couldn't pick out the name though. Faolin wished she could think of it, but the name escaped her.

indentAfter the shock eased off, she relaxed, and put her paw back down firmly on the ground. "What do you have in mind, Aquilina?" she asked. Faolin could offer plenty of help, the girl was of a lot of use. But, what did this 'yote in front of her have in mind. With an arched brow, Faolin waited patiently for whatever request this girl had in mind.


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