Self Defense for Dummies


The fun little romp had evolved into him pushing her around, on several occasions she had lost her footing and he had taken advantage of that to bring more painful nips upon her as consequence. However he couldn’t say he wasn’t having fun, to do so would be lying and anyone could plainly see, his tail was flying back and forth in excited sweeps. For a long time the male would have never been caught dead doing this, but he was happy, much happier than he had been in a long time, and a certain female had reawakened his lighter more playful side as well. A long playful growl uttered across his lips just feeling himself getting warmed up about the time she struggled on the ground. His blues looked at the fae and cocked his head to the side as if to say *tired already?*.

Saluce backed away and then pranced around her, feet thumping against the earth, each step high and practiced as tail stood high. He was gloating or rather mock gloating in the event she would suddenly find the will to play again and continue their fun little romp. He yipped and growled but she seemed to be done and considering the work she had done today he guessed it was time to call it to a close. His form resumed its closeness to her, tongue lashing out against her forehead, in a thanking act. The big male wasn’t beyond signs of affection towards others not being his mate. He back off when he felt the point had gotten across and sat down a few feet from her.

His front paws still danced a bit along the ground as he calmed and looked over the female with a smirk. She was a wolf of good stock, he could see the real beauty this she wolf held and hoped that sometime she’d be rewarded for her innocent and yet bubbly demeanor with a wolf that would treat her as the princess she was.

Image courtesy of Frau Böb@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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