a secret written in the skies
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Date: 05 Feb

Time: Midmorning

Words: 385
Borgata Tenzontli

This is a bad post and I should feel bad. \: NPCing Artemisia for this thread.

Two days prior, Eris had arrived to her home in the Borgata Colotl to a surprising sight. Harrow and Artemisia both greeted her in their two-legged forms, while morose Ataxia, disappointed with her current inability, lurked in the rear of the lean-to shed, simply gazing at herself in the motorcycle mirror Eris kept there. The dark woman could not be bothered, for the moment, with her daughter's disappointment, for she knew Ataxia, too, would shift, sooner or later. Instead, Eris was overjoyed with her daughters' new forms.

Though both Harrow and Artemisia were still young, their adult features still blurred with adolescence, she saw Artemisia's strength and her already well-formed, strong muscles. The dust-colored girl resembled her father in form, and the hybrid found that pleasing. Harrow, on the other hand, was slim and sharply angled, possessing a figure which reminded Eris of some of the coyote forms of her former Infernian fellows. Harrow's coloration and facial shape, however, gave no doubt to her wolfish heritage, and there was not so much coyote in her that Eris found it displeasing.

Now, two days since, the dark coyote stood on the outskirts of Salsola, the Borgata Tenzotli. The scents of their attackers had long since faded, and Eris felt safe here. The feeling of safety had returned shortly after the attack, which had surprised the sable Auxiliary. Eris expected to feel that sense of danger for far longer than she had. Instead, it had evaporated quickly, and with her ploys and plots for the future in mind, the coal-furred woman had taken comfort in the idea that she, too, could have her vengeance, if she so chose.

Artemisia stood resolutely beside her, not so much as shifting or fidgeting. The dust-colored daughter possessed a strong countenance, rarely expressing childish displeasure at much in the world. Eris found this pleasing, and perhaps had come to favor her orange-eyed daughter over the others, though she would not speak such aloud. Now, the dark woman awaited one of their new recruits, a would-be Curandero hoping to engage in this ritual with the Auxiliary as her guide. Eris saw it as opportunity to insure not only the preparedness of Artemisia for adulthood, but the capability of Lana, as well.

Eris is by Alaine!

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