one amongst many
[html]Ethereal Eclipse
p. for Drakien Smile

Oak moved swiftly, blue gaze focused and concentrating as his nose took in trail that the creature had left behind. The world beyond Crimson Dreams was a foreign one, for the tree named boy did not even know the surrounding landscape as well as he should. The neutral territory had yet to truly been explored, and so he set out to seek what prey he might be able to track and monitor as he tried to in the pack lands. But so far all he had been left with was dusty trails and mere glimpses of scattering squirrels and a few fluttering crows.

Soot hued toes cracked the ice of a shallow brook, and the sound echoed through the tall trees. It caused him to pause, ears searching for the sound of scattering prey. Yet, nothing met them and Oak was left among the swaying giants. He felt comfortable among the trees, a subconscious reason for his choice of direction. The open hills were a bit intimidating and there was a certain feeling gained by standing among an entire forest of his namesake. The oaks around him did not speak to him as they did his mother, but he knew them from the rest. His mother had chosen a powerful name for her son and he almost felt like one amongst many as he roamed the forest.


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