Let the Magic Begin
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OOC Stuffs go here

The pig statue was not something to be taken lightly, transformed into a deity by the two magicians. Even when off the stage Terra made sure that the statue was treated with at least a semblance of respect, even if she was laughing at their antics the entire time. Knowing that she'd have to hurry lest something happened that they would both regret, Terra trotted over to the frozen sticks. Snatching one up she promptly cracked it over her knee, causing what sounded like thunder.

Startled by the volume, having only ever heard frozen branches snap off trees from a distance before, Terra dropped to the ground, startled. Her heart raced as she collected her thoughts. She couldn't stop, not now. Terra ran around to the stage again, carefully slipping the statue into one of the pockets of her coats. There certainly were a lot of pockets for her to use. Already the possibilities were flitting through her mind. Knowing that altering the plot probably wasn't a good idea with an audience Terra stifled the train running through her head, and quickly set about making pig prints on the ground, leading around to the back. Darting over to the far side again, Terra waited for Caspa to exit, so her real tricks could begin.
Wordcount :: +000

template by revo. <3 - Table and code modifications by Alex


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