[CdA] Maintenance
CdA Maintenance

What Goes Here?
Do you have a Cercatori d'Arte-related plot? An open thread that needs attention? Did you catch a horse or other livestock you'd like to add to the Livestock Post? Saw a typo or an error that needs fixing? Post here for all Cercatori d'Arte updates and maintenance requests! Don't be shy; anything, including suggestions and concerns, can go here or be PMed to the leadership!

Listed here are the forms for any specific requests or concerns, such as twitter announcement requests or maintenance updates. If none of these forms fit your request, don't hesitate to post anyway with what you wish to say!

Twitter Announcement RequestsStable/Garden Addition
Would you like something promoted on the pack twitter? Plot requests, open threads, caravan/ship ideas, meet and greet threads, or anything else pertaining to Cercatori d'Arte can be promoted on the twitter!Have you found a horse or other livestock, or planted a plant in the garden? Post with this form to get your newest addition to the pack featured on the Livestock and Inventory Post.


Link: Add the link to your open thread or plot idea thread.

Other: Anything in particular you are aiming to do?


Type of News: Is this a mateship between two characters? Has your character done something interesting?

Characters Involved: Who's involved?

Other: Anything else you'd like to add?


Owner: Is this animal your character's or communal?

Name: What's the animal's name?

Species: What species is this animal?

Gender: Is the animal a male or female?

Appearance: A brief and short description of the looks of the animal.

Age: Is this animal an adult or not?


Species: What type of plant is this?

Information: Is it edible? What other function does it serve?

Game Points / Prize ExchangeMaintenance Updates / Suggestions
Do you have threads that you'd like to collect points for? What about game points that you would like to exchange for a prize? Post those types of requests here with this form.Is there a typo on the website or ranks? Is there an error, such as miscalculated rank totals or a misspelled name? Or maybe you have a suggestion for the pack? Post here using these forms to clear the issues up or give some ideas!


Thread Links: Link to the threads that contain activities that would give you points!

Point Total: How many points is this total?


Prize: What prize would you like?

Customization: If your prize is art, an icon, or a title, how would you like it to be?

Point Total: How many points does this prize cost?


Location: Where's the typo or error? Links would be much appreciated!

Fix: What should it say instead?


Suggestion/Concern: What is your idea, suggestion, or concern?

Solution: What is your proposal to fix this problem, or to fulfill the idea?

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/* Packsranks controls:
- your primary table border and how they interact (border-collapse:collapse; insures that borders don't double up if two table cells both have borders)
- your primary font, font size, and font color used throughout the table. this really only appears in blank rank spots where you place a dash and the "Pack News" text. */

.cdaheader {color:#6B0041;font-family:'Marck Script',cursive, serif;font-size:5em;letter-spacing:0.05em;line-height:80%;text-align:center}

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/* Packsranksheader controls background color, text alignment, padding, border, and font variables of the "Pack Name" table cell. You might want to get rid of that table cell and this custom class if you have your pack's name in the header image. Or not. Up to you. :3 */

.packsrankstitle {text-align:center; padding:2px; background-color:#9B8E00; border:1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia, serif; font-size:17px; font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:-.4px; color:#fff; text-transform:none; font-variantConfusedmall-caps; }
/* Controls background color, text alignment, padding, border, and font variables of "Pack Statistics", "Pack Ranks", "Pack News", etc. */

.packsrankssubhead {text-align:left; padding:4px 40px; background-color:#6B0041; color:#FFFB99; border:1px solid #000000; font-family:georgia; font-size:1.6em;line-height:110%; font-family:'Marck Script';cursive, serif}
/* Controls background color, text alignment, padding, border, and font variables of "Leaders", "Members", "Puppies" etc. */

.packsranksgen {text-align:left; padding:1px 40px; background-color:#FFF9B2; color:#353304; border:1px solid #000000; font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;}
/* Controls background color, text alignment, padding, border, and font variables of "Leaders", "Members", "Puppies" etc. */

.packsrankstrong {font-size:11px; color:#1E171B; font-style:none; font-weight: normal; font-variant:none; text-transform:none; letter-spacing:0px; background-color:#FFE6F4; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; padding:3px; vertical-align:top;}
/* Controls background color, padding, text alignment, border, and font variables of "Alpha," "Beta," "Gamma," etc. */

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.packsranksinfo td {color:#000}
/* Controls background color, padding, text alignment, border, and font variables of your member cells. No font variables because they are controlled in the primary table class. */

.packsranksinfo strong {font-weight:bold; color:#30351C; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:1px; }
/* Controls the text used for the date in the "Pack News" section. */

.packsranksinfo p { margin:0px; padding:0px; text-indent:20px; }
/* Controls the text indent of the paragraphs in the "Pack News" section. */

.packsranks .npc {font-style:italic;text-decoration:underline}
/* Controls the style of the NPC cells */

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.packsranks a:hover,.packsranks a:active{color:#44422E; text-decoration: none; border-bottom:1px dotted #A9A061;}
/* Controls all links within "packsranks." You don't need to attach a class to every link or anything. Big Grin */

.packsranks .links {text-align:center}
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.packsranks .inner1 {margin:5px 5px 5px 5px; padding:10px; background-image:url(http://sleepyglow.net/souls/50pct_white.png); border:2px solid #4A5A36; height:30px; overflow:auto;}

.cdaForm,.tableofcontents,.cdaMaint #CODE,.cdaMaint #QUOTE {
margin:5px auto; width:85%;
border:1px solid #6B0041;

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