Mark of Love
Ayasha was heading to do one of the scariest things she had ever done. She was heading to see Aeron to get a tattoo of some sort. Well she knew what she wanted but she had no idea what the other woman would do to her. Ayasha had asked but didn’t receive a clear answer. But she wanted to show Liam that she loved him in a tangible way. And that meant getting a tattoo like had gotten one for her.

She would surprise Liam with it. It was going to be a butterfly on her back near her shoulder. It was her way of saying that she loved him and accepted him despite the butterflies. And that she accepted that the butterflies were part of him. She knew that they might never go away but she hoped that she kept them from being so strong.

Ayasha remembered how she and Aeron got to talking about tattoos. Well not the exact conversation but why she and the other female had even met after the Winter Festival. Ayasha had gone to finally visit Leon but instead found Aeron. She didn’t ask what she had been doing there nor did she really want to know. The two of them talked and somehow Aeron had offered to give Ayasha a tattoo and Ayasha had accepted.

She went to the Storm Tree Hotel and headed towards Aeron’s room. She knocked on the door and called, ”Aeron? It’s Ayasha.”

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