Mark of Love
Ayasha heard a knock on wood followed by a howl of pain and she gave a noticeable cringe for whoever hit their head. Or at least, that’s what she assumed happened. She could have been wrong. It was hard to tell what was used to knock on some wood and it was impossible for her to tell what it was except wood. But there was no other sound or sign of injury so she assumed it wasn’t that bad.

Aeron’s voice soon called out, telling her that the door was always open. She entered into her rooms and saw the older woman on the floor being tackled by two pups; she assumed they were Leon’s. Ayasha gave a grin and asked, ”Do you need any help there, Aeron?” She had experience with pups from her own younger siblings and was at ease with little ones. Although some of the reasons for her leaving were less than ideal, she still had fond memories of AniWaya and her time with her family.

She did stand a little awkwardly just inside the doorway. Her real reason for being here was on her mind but she was a little shy about doing it. Plus, she highly doubted that discussing tattoos was something that should be done around pups, especially the process and the placement of tattoos. So she was going to wait until there was a good time to speak with Aeron.

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