this is not your dream
She watched him, a dull aching in her chest as his expression never changed. Even when it seemed that he finally had realized who she was the male was nothing more than formal and brisk. Her eyes shadowed with rage as he seemed to have found a way to show her that she was replaceable with smooth words and lacking emotion. She too could play that game, she knew fully well as she raised herself up to her full height as she replied sharply. "No need to report to Ezekiel. He's known where I've been this whole time." Her eyes watched him, challenging him as she waited to see what would become of this reality of star crossed lovers upon their reunion. It seemed that his heart had grown cold in the winter's last lunar cycle, perhaps he had not been worth her time after all.

He turned away, preparing to mount up as she seemed to believe that was it. She was going to be left at the border with little more than an acknowledgement that she was still breathing and alive to the rest of the world. The tiny woman was prepared to accept this, for it had been one of the possible paths they would face in the future and in her time away she had grown use to the idea that while some got their happily ever after, it was far fetched for the tiny scarred freak of nature who chose to embrace what she was instead of run from it.

While he showed no signs of wishing to speak again she turned to follow the edge of their lands towards the river, knowing that she would need to find Ezekiel to report and gather Timori and her foolish cat companion. When she had turned her back to the male who once had stolen her heart it seemed that something inside him had shifted as his words fell upon her ears. She was quiet a moment before she asked. "Do you want me to?" It was not her choice to make. She would not force him into any sort of partnership, friendship, companions, lovers, had never been her choice to make, she never believed she would have a choice in the greater things in life.

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