this is not your dream
The little woman had no clue how they had ended up here. She could think of nothing that she could have done to have driven the male into the arms of the one creature in the lands that was poison to her in every way. Yet, he had gone and those small voices of doubt had spent the last moonspan filling her world with darkness and despair. She had returned from her mission, performing her duties to the letter and not faltering because of a heart filled with rage, hurt and turmoil. Now though it was a moment in time for change and she wasn't certain what the answers would reveal.

She stood alone waiting for an answer but it almost seemed like one would never come. She was almost ready to give up on his stubborn pride when finally he granted her the right to know that he did indeed want her to accompany him across the lands. She didn't let him see the emotions that brimmed over as the first step was taken. She still knew nothing of how he really felt about her or what path this was leading down but it seemed that sooner or later she would find out.

Zana took the final step to move to the horse's side, her eyes cast up upon Helotes form as she reached her paw up, a slight tremor running through her arm as she waited for her larger cousin to pull her up onto the mare's back with him.

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