Call the knights of the old code


Word Count :: 380

His movements made her adjustment easier, though the way he moved seemed to be rather uncomfortable. Was she causing him discomfort, should she move so it was easier for him to move? She thought about moving but her body seemed to lock her in place; she wanted to be under him to feel more protected. To help him protect her more with her small body under him seemed like the best idea for her frightened body. Her mind agreed with his as she tried to relax as she watched his tension almost vanish at her touch. She was about to relax him from that rage induced reaction, how did that work?

Her normal line of questions was hushed as she remained cowered under his massive form, what could she do to make it all better? His voice made her jump, squeak even out of fear and surprise. He did not want her to blame herself, who else was to blame? If she would have stayed the whole mess would have been avoided, Fenin would have been happy. She would have been fine and Lorenzo would not be injured and forced to kill another wolf. This was all her fault, no matter what he said it was her fault.

”If.. I only would have stayed. He wouldn’t have attacked me, he wouldn’t have…” The girl’s body shook as she remembered where his hands had been, remembered what had happened. Her voice strayed form its normal emotionless tone to a sad and pain filled voice. Tears seemed to well up in her eyes but she raised an injured paw and wiped them away, she needed to not make Lorenzo upset again.

Her body moved lightly again as she moved her head to rub against his chest, trying to not just calm the dusted brown male above her but herself. She was shaking like a leaf and she needed to stop, she was worrying Lorenzo. The metallic taste of his blood made her jup very lightly, as if it were a bolt of lightning on her tongue. Only her movements cause the deep gash lines on her hip to taint the ground with her blood, she needed to calm down. Lorenzo would protect her, she just needed to calm down.

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