Lets dance awhile.
Insomnia stood on the rock that hung over the small spring. Her mult-colored orbs looked down at the clear teal water hat beaconed to her. It sparkled in the waning sunlight, beginning her to come and play in its shallow depths. A soft smile caressed her lips as she made herself stand still, letting the muted energy surround her. This place was gorgeous. She wanted nothing more than to stay her. Perhaps she could leave the den to stay here and dance beneath the moonlight. She breathed in the fresh scent of the water before lowering her body on the cool rock. A black paw dangled down and lazily traced circles in the water. She watched as the ripples widened and reached towards the center of the spring towards a small Willow. She smiled as her eyes drooped closed. I wish I had a friend..

She remembered having wandered her from the safe cover of the den. She had found a thin trail outside so out of curiosity she traveled down it and found one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen. The black female kept her eyes closed as she thought about her day…a day that was wasted her at this beautiful spring. She could stay here forever in this beautiful place. She wanted to forget about the trouble her pack could be in, and all the worries she had to have. She hadn’t seen anyone here of that nature and she doubted that she would see anyone of that nature.

Multi-colored opened and her head lifted as she looked at the spring. Yellow, orange, and red hues were cast around her as the sun continued to set. Lips parted as she sighed. Slowly, she shuffled forward so that she was hanging over the edge. She slid into the water, the coolness bringing her to her senses. She had been here almost three months now and she was shocked by how this area still amazed her. All four paws were placed in the shallow water and she stood there for a few minutes, watching as small fish swam away from her. She waded out towards the Willow. She wanted to dance but the moon was not full. The dark female only danced beneath the light of the moon. She looked up at the branches that dangled from their strong but flexible branches. The bright leaves teased her and she reached up, balancing on her back legs as she nipped gently at them.

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