the inner beast

sorry i'm late x.x

It appeared that he was slower to respond than he thought he had been as the secui formed man trotted up to the gathering of people. He winced as Aeron's voice cut through the air sharply, verbally cutting down some member who was not giving her the proper respect. He couldn't see who it was from where he was stood but a familiar voice picked it out as Liam, the male that had joined with Ayasha. This pulled Leon's scarred face into a frown. He snorted lightly and shifted his paws against the ground. He was going to be something of a supervisor on this trip, since quite a few of the ones present were Zepars and therefore the lowest ranking members.

As the bodies moved and the crowd changed he finally stepped up close to Aeron and greeted her with a respectful not of his head and a warm smile. Their children were tucked up safely in the house and Jandro had instructions not to let his sister wander off. He spoke quietly to the lady so only she could hear him,

"Mi apologies for arriving late. The kids refused to settle but Analise has them now." She hadn't wanted to come this time and had volunteered to look after the young ones in his absence.

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