Round up the Soldiers

As he spent most of his time in the courthouse when he wasn't exploring the lands outside of Casa di Cavalieri, Sebastian was one of the first to answer the call. Well, him and Hadley, who seemed far too attached to his room for the Italian's liking. Still, he supposed it was for the best that Hadley was attached to his room. It was important for him to have his own space, after all. Still, he arrived with a respectful bow offered to Jazzy and his guest before he leaned against a pillar, where he could take a nice view of the action without being too conspicuous.

The artisan leaned into shadow as he waited, his alert orange eyes wandering over his leader and his leader's blonde guest. A female. Pretty enough, he supposed. Healthy. Not much else to tell about her when she was in such a bestial form. His eyes roved over the members as they showed up, noting who he didn't know and who was looking especially sexy today. Wayne had a new look about him since his return... It was difficult to say exactly what. Still, it was attractive.

Molten orange eyes were fixed on the Scottish Sole as he spoke. A new guest, one whom he wouldn't seduce for the fun of it. Any other diplomat or leader, he'd have to try at least. For the sake of Casa di Cavalieri, of course. So long as such diplomats or leaders were not the proud owners of decidedly female organs.

His mind wandered, only dimly picking up on what Jazper was saying. Training and whatnot. Should be fun. No-one ever expected someone more than a foot shorter than them to be capable of putting them flat on their backs. Who knew, maybe he'd even ask Wayne, Enzo or Jazper to teach him how to wrestle.

Dixie showed up late, waving a bow around the place. Another archer for Casa di Cavalieri, he supposed lazily. Though he was pretty sure he was better, if only due to his insufferable pride. Well, he couldn't afford to be upstaged.

"I would be willing to offer archery lessons," he called out to the crowd from his shadowy resting place before he stepped into the light. He cut a nice figure, his lustrous fur illuminated by the firelight, the gold loop in his ear glinting and the silver chain around his neck nicely shiny. "I could also teach some combat techniques for those who favour knives, prefer to sneak or have a distinct disadvantage in height. I can help in camouflage, too." Sebastian offered a grin to the assembled wolves. He made it all sound quite a bit flashier than it really was, of course. He wanted some interest. Besides, he really wanted someone to teach camouflage to. It was always fun to paint on people.

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