I'm At Home In The Clouds.

All welcome.

So here she was. After weeks of wheedling with her parents, days spent preparing and listening to various safety hazards, weeks of traveling…and here she was. Squinting through the fog. Her uncle and aunt weren’t lying when they said it was foggy. Was there some sort of fog machine installed here? Perhaps in a tree or something? She peered around the tree she was standing by, delicately sniffing its trunk. Nothing metallicy, really. Lots of other stuff, though. She sniffed a little long, interested more in the various scents the tree offered. She could very faintly smell her uncle and aunt’s two scents and it made her miss home fiercely.

The female had arrived the day before. Right after being accepted, she had rushed off to where Emilio and Piper said their den had been. Finding it miraculously free, she spent the rest of the day clearing it out and making it feel like her own home. The spacious den that went below the tree was cleaned and comfy, while the fort above was cleared of snow and fallen leaves. She knew the snow would return, but for now it was ice-free and tidy, a platform she loved to stand upon, looking out at the territory various generations of her family had lived in.

This was it. She was doing what she wanted to do. Jericho Leikuh was in Bleeding Souls, the place where miracles happened. Or so she heard. For a family of wolves who lived in Jasper Valley, the Oriels (and all the others, of course) certainly spoke a lot of that land. So why not live there permanently? She was given various reasons, but of course none of them kept her attention for too long. She’d just have to find out for herself, wouldn’t she?

Jericho moved away from the tree, stepping lightly through the fluffy snow. The sun was almost set, but she was in no mood to sleep just yet. She wanted to be awake when the magical stuff started to happen. And it was going to soon, wasn’t it? Her family didn’t just stick around for a bunch of fog, did they? Well. The fog was whimsical, but it didn’t completely win her over. She was here for a reason, she knew it – Jericho had her own way of knowing things. She just needed to know why she was here….and an explanation could occur aannyyy minute now.


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