you got me so wild, how can i ever deny.

Emmanuelle Brenna

Word Count - 775 :: tl;dr she killed a moose in a clear area to the left of a small standing of trees, moose was previously injured and ems got hit in the right shoulder with a hoof.

Hot, steamy puffs of breath were all that left the youths maw as she traveled quickly and silently over the landscape, eyes darting all over the place, trying to locate movement. Pausing for a moment she looked around, ears perked so she could listen intently for any movement.. An odd out of beat crunching was heard to her left, and she turned her head in that direction, her nose dipping low to the ground to investigate for any type of scent. The smell of moose quickly filled her nose and her tail wagged in delight, this was perfect. Lifting her head and nose high, she quickly determined she was downwind from the animal and she pushed herself down, body nearly flat against the stark white ground. The youth silently entered a clustering of trees to her left, carefully placing her paws so she wouldn't break any twigs and make sound carelessly. There was something wrong with the way the moose was traveling, the sound from it's walking seemed off somehow, so she crept closer through the underbrush to investigate.

Silently she inched closer until the moose was in sight, and the injury became clear. The moose moaned loudly as it took another step, it's injured leg not taking any weight of the large animal. Emmanuelle looked it over, trying to determine all injuries, broken legs just didn't happen that often unless it had fallen through a hole in the snow or something along the lines of that. The moose reeked with blood, old and new. It had many cuts on its flanks, some appearing to be jaw marks and claw marks from an unknown assailant. Maybe another canine like herself had come across it and had high confidence in themselves, but grew bored once the animal proved how strong it was. It didn't matter now, it appeared that this animal wasn't going anywhere quickly and the previous attack had weakened it effectively, so she was going to go for it.

The injured moose started to pick it's way precariously through the underbrush, not putting any weight on it's leg and breathing heavily from the pain, so she began following it, her scent masked as the stench of blood overwhelmed all smell. The animal ahead of her tripped, and for a few moments his front half was lowered to the ground while his back half stayed upright. Emmanuelle was no fool, she took this chance to propel herself forward as silently as she could, darting underneath the animal and snapping at it's throat, getting a few good cuts and rips in before the animal truly realize what was happened. Startled, it got back on its feet and turned to face her as she darted away, growling and snapping at the injured moose, blood pouring down from the injuries she had caused on it's throat. A few of them were no more then surface wounds, but as she licked her maw and watched the animal start to back up, looking for an escape route she noticed the blood bubbling and running down it's throat in thick streams and smiled as she noted the deepness of the wound.

If she just left it alone it would surely die in an hours time, but she didn't feel like sitting by and idly watching, no, she was in the mood to kill. Steadying herself she watched the animal as she began to shift into secui form, the urgency of the situation making the shift quick and within a few minutes she was in her most powerful form, and she let out a terrible growl to let the creature know his days were numbered. The moose, obviously startled by the transformation started to crash away through the underbrush, moaning in pain as he was forced to use his broken leg. Once out of the small standing of trees and in open space, he tripped once again in his frenzy of pain and fear and he went down, leg truly broken this time, snapped in half as he had landed on it. The moose gave a great bellow of pain and tried to get back up, but to no avail. Emmanuelle took this chance and rushed in, ripping at his throat and as his life was ending, she was so concentrated on the task at hand she did not notice the hoof heading her way.

It hit her in the side with a force that was unexpected for a dying animal, but one that she could handle all the same. As the animal lay dead, finally, she backed away and sat down, licking at her tender shoulder where the hoof had landed.

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