how could i forget?
slight pp, hope you dont mind <3

His concern was not needed and maybe even resented slightly, she was not weak and she didn't need people fawning over her for the slightest of ailments. Hey sharp eyes looked up at him, the differences in their height such that he made her seem half grown, this too she resented slightly although on her own part not his. She pulled away from his attempt at touching her and growled with warning, pushing him back over the invisible border line he had crossed with the force of it,

"You know the rules, no crossing the borders, lest I be demoted again for allowing you to trespass." Her words were angry, bitter and cruel, she should have welcomed him back with open arms and guided him towards her house so he could catch up with her and Temo properly and see how her children had grown since he had left several weeks ago. But no, she refused to allow the traitor to punish her even more for things that she shouldn't have been. Her eyes rolled about angrily in their sockets as they searched for the presence of anyone else. His question caused her to roll her eyes at its stupidity,

"No I decided that I would injure myself, of course someone hurt me." Again her words were cruel and vicious a remnant back to the time when Lucifer had killed her children, the desperate state she had been afterwards, only a lot more volatile, it wouldn't take much to set her off.

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