Broken Leash

I assumed so. Anatole doesn't know that, of course. :>

Behind him, the pale horse whinnied and shifted to and fro with fright. Unused to his display of aggression, she was fearful—but she was a trusting horse and did not try and pull from him, something Anatole did not recognize as a gift. He stilled as the man shifted, and it was to his surprise that the truest form of submission was offered. Instinctively used to allowing this, Anatole’s aggression stilled to the stiff-legged walk and bristling fur along his spine. Without a snarl, however, he was now able to approach without looking mad.

He closed the distance enough to sniff at the man, catching a peculiar mixture, only one of which belonged to his own Tribe. A frown crossed his face. “You aren’t from here,” he stated flatly. That was obvious, but he did not know how to better reason the truth of the matter. “Where are you from? You aren’t a tribe member,” he added, certain that the more dominant smell of other wolves (and likely another pack) was responsible for such a thing. As an afterthought, he sighed bullishly. “I’m not going to hurt you. You hardly look dangerous.” Harsh, but once more, true. A shadow crossed him but the wolf did not spare it a glance—it was the eagle no doubt, keeping an eye on his behavior.

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