Road to Ruin
Occ: Aylu is stuck in drifter bay between Salsola and Inferni. What is he to do....bumbbum bum! FD to the 26th

He was lost. Aylu was lost. Cilantro was no where to be found and he was running low on water. There was no one to be seen for miles around and he was growing tired and hot. He howled for help and wondered if someone would help or could even hear him. He stopped and sat down on the hard packed earth and started to pray. Budda would surely send someone to help him.

He thought back to Dalgina and how the young pup wanted to touch the sky. It brought him out of his prayer and he laughed quietly to himself. Dalgina wasn't a stupid pup. She was smart but how she thought she could touch the "tochina" as she called it. Aylu had told her that mist and rain where the tochina touching her. Her excitement and sleepy ness calmed him as he thought about how happy he had made her by simply telling her the sky touched her and she it. He let those memories distract him from his fear of being lost. He did hope that he could bring that happiness to some else.

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