[aw] in the arms of undertow

One or two, SL onlyyy. 8| <3 Eris be "working" (lol slaves) on her fishing weir. :3

Eris is by James!

The dark woman stood over the branch of the Pictou she'd claimed for Salsola's fishing weir, her chartreuse eyes appraising the structure she'd already completed. In truth, Eris had lifted few stones for this project -- the slaves had done the brunt of the work. Thus far, she'd discussed it with Khirot, the initial spark of inspiration which drove her to create this project. She had spent the next few weeks moving stones herself, the few she could move by her own strength. Then, it had been Khirot and Darijus to help her with the stones for the cart, along with Miqui. Eris herself, since the initial burst of inspiration and the time she'd spent working herself, had spent most of the time supervision, which was exactly as she did now.

The tide had just gone out, and the pack's two able-bodied male slaves -- Gjalda and Khirot -- were slowly moving the stones down the perilously steep bank. At first, they'd tried simply heaving the stones over the bank, but as their weight caused them to become sunken and stuck in the muddy banks, this plan was quickly abandoned. Instead, the two males carefully carried the stones between them, one by one.

Their pace was maddeningly slow, and the dark-hued woman settled down to her haunches, glaring at both of them and wishing she had a hundred slaves, if only for this purpose. It was too perilous for Darijus, crippled as he was, to stand in the powerful current of the river. He might lose his balance and float out to sea, thus ending his service and usefulness to Salsola. The dark-hued woman wished that big man's hip would just hurry up and heal already -- she was certain the massive wolf would be able to move one of the big rocks on his lonesome, at least doubling their pace.

Eris had high aspirations for her weir, of course -- with the inflow of tide and fish with high tide, they'd be trapped come low tide, once the wall was high enough. Salsola therefore had an infinite supply of fish -- provided the tide kept them well. The dark woman had no understanding of fish migratory patterns or anything of that nature; nonetheless, she recognized the power of the river and wished to harness it for Salsola herself.

If she had cared less for Molcaxitl, she might have ordered her slave to assist, but she didn't think Molca's strength was enough to move boulders, in any case. She could have commanded the ranked members of Salsola to do her bidding, but then she must share credit with them in the end, too. Eris needn't accredit slaves with their duties -- she could take all the credit if Salsola's slaves completed the weir. So it was that the sable-hued woman sat cross-legged on the bank, occasionally barking a sharp command down to Gjalda and Khirot as they worked. The tawny jackal would happily repeat her command in a mangled, garbled language he shared with Gjalda, and they would both set to work, bandying one stone for another, moving a stone here and shifting another there.

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