We're the Same
Cadmeia slunk through the snow, keeping her wits about her. She had only recently been accepted by Casa di Cavalieri, and the territory was still very foreign. Even though she felt safe here, she was a little wary about who or what may be hiding in the shadows. This was also her first chance to really get to know the area without the guidance of Hadley.

Examining the area around her, Cadmeia nervously cocked her head to one side. At first the snow ahead of her appeared flat and untouched - but as she squinted, she noticed a nearly invisible trail of prints leading towards her from the distance. Crouching, she slowly crept closer, flattening her body against the ground. Upon further inspection, Cadmeia realized that the tracks stopped at something, perhaps a small mound of snow. Curious, she pricked her ears up and began sniffing the pile. The smell reminded her of Hadley.

Cadmeia pressed her nose further into the mound, relishing in the scent. Suddenly, there was a stirring, and the mound began to move.

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