Before Nonsense
That simple sentence was utterly and completely the last thing Caspa had expected to come from her friend's mouth. If she had been more of the easily shocked type, her jaw might have dropped. Instead she simply stared blankly for a few seconds, before Terra continued and shook her briskly back into reality. "Wait a moment. I am not ready. You're not ready either." Caspa reached into the wagon, shovelling the straw to one side to reveal the glimmering coat. Still dark purple fabric showed through, but now it was bedecked in gleaming swirls and spirals of gold and white fabrics: these were edged with beads, sequins and glass crystals, also white and black borders that made the patterns seem to pop out of the fabric's surface from a distance. Strelein had outdone himself. The thing was a work of art. There were also myriads of secret pockets added, that Terra could use in future trickery. There wasn't time to show her all of this right now, sadly. "Here. Put this on, quick," she said, holding it up by the collar and wondering if Terra would even recognise her old coat beneath all of the embroidery.

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