Extending the Family
Aeron sent Octavius out to make the fire, but Caprica wasn't leaving until she was sure the pups were going to be okay, despite Amy's obvious anger at their presence. She knew it was hard-hearted of her to avoid the woman's wishes, but those howls for help still rang through her head. If Amy still was holding out for someone who would be less aggravated by her rudeness, she was wrong. Nobody was going to stand by and allow lethal weapons to be tossed around willy-nilly. Besides, for now they were all the help she had, and Caprica was only waiting for Aeron to figure out the problem and let her know what had to be done. The golden-beast handler seemed much more knowledgeable about this task than Caprica felt.

She saw the doom in the Oriax's eyes as she answered, and turned her face to the first pup. There was no movement, no sound. So that was the problem. A stillborn, perhaps aligned wrong in the womb, hence the difficulties Amy had been experiencing. There could be more than one by this point. She was glad now that Octavius was gone. Although she approved of letting youngsters see and learn about the realities of life and considered him quite mature enough to know what birth was really like… this grim scene was a little much for any youngster. Caprica moved closer to Amy. She wasn't sure how she could help, but she wanted with all her heart the rest of the little pups to be safe - no matter what a crazy lady their mother seemed to be.

The next few moments were an age, dragging on with the tension of Amy's struggle, and Caprica slowly reached out a hand, wondering if Amy wanted to take it, if even a violent woman like her would appreciate the small show of support… but then, at last another infant made its appearance, and this one was living. Caprica's face split into a huge grin. The horror was over, and surely now everything would be okay. She would acquiesce to the new mother's wishes and leave. Retracting her hand she got up and murmured "Congratulations, man. I'll be outside if you need anything." Still smiling uncontrollably she hastened outside to where her little brother sat next to the fire. Why Aeron wanted water, a fire and a blanket she had no idea, but it certainly cheered up the scene which had been so sinister and surprising a little while before. "Hi," she said, crouching next to him. "A puppy just arrived. He's so cute! Tiny! Reminded me of when you guys were first born," she added teasingly. "Shame puppies have to grow up, ain't it?" She hoped her joking would make up for all the shouting beforehand. Amy had really riled her up there.

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