Extending the Family
The offered hand was swiped at, Amy desperately clinging to it, claws digging in before she pushed it away, still trying to pretend she was strong. At last the pup left. That was a huge relief. As soon as he was out the door Amy relaxed. She didn't have to hide anything now. With the black pup born the young female finally left, congratulating her. It wasn't time for congratulations yet though. Amy was yet to know if they were strong enough to survive. Her body continued to push, and this time a golden pup slipped out. Surprised at seeing her own color Amy blinked. She'd been sure that Angel's darker color would have dominated the pups.

Carefully she picked it up. A female. It had a distinctly coyote appearance to it, large ears and a skinny body. Placed next to her brother Amy let the tiny pup settle, ignoring it's small size. She glanced around the empty room and let out a string of curses as she realized that she'd gotten exactly what she wished for, only to realize how dangerous that was. She had been left alone in a room with trash that wished to kill her. Protectively Amy pulled herself up, reaching for where she'd dropped her throwing knives, eyes remaining on Aeron.

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