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I was alone, I took a ride

I didn't know what I would find there

WC: 756. Sorry for the long delay.

Another road where maybe I

Could find another kind of mind there

It occurred to Grace only dimly that her actions might be thought queer by this female; after all, she herself was helping the moose, so what reasons could she bear for not understanding why another might do the same. She smiled sadly and nodded her head, her movements slow, so as to not startle to poor bull. "I try to alleviate pain and suffering when I find it," she replied quietly, examining the injuries more closely. The wound could be cleaned and rubbed with salve, although she doubted if he would allow her to bandage it. The hindleg would have to be splinted, and it would be best to get a cart and bring him back to the stable, where his healing could be closely supervised. She wondered vaguely if Ulilohi would get on her case for this. Ah, well. If she did, well, then would be a better time to worry about it than now would be. He needed care, and she could provide it.

By the time Taj arrived with her first aid bag, she felt that she had established herself with the elk well enough to touch him. She was gentle, touching first unwounded parts of him, gaining his trust. He protested only briefly, his voice a deep baritone, before relenting. It seemed that he was too tired and pained to put up much fuss. She dipped a clean cloth in the water and used it to gently clean his wound, murmuring softly, reassuringly. The salve she rubbed into the wound was mild, containing crushed herbal remedies, to dull the pain. As she expected, a bandage was not to be accepted, but the thick ointment would hold on its own, she thought, particularly given the location of the wound, far from where he could tamper with it.

She addressed his swollen hindleg now, careful not to startle him into kicking. She made disapproving, matronly sounds, half in jest. "Mmm, tsk tsk. Looks to be sprained, methinks... what on earth were you doing, good sir?" She knew that he wouldn't understand her, but her voice was calm and soothing, and he didn't seem to mind. She splinted it, careful not to wrap the bandage too loosely nor too tightly, and tied the bandage off. Then she stood, frowning. "I'd like to see if he'd come back with me to AniWaya, so that I could look after him. I could sedate him to get him there, if need be, but I'll need to get a cart... would you stay here with him, while I fetch one, and help me get him onto the back?"


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