These rumors must be..just rumors...
Her head rose with a start and turned to the sound of paw-steps on the earth. She was surprised at how fast her mate came to her call. She rose to a seated position as she let her ears roll back when he approached and a light heat came to her cheeks as he showed his affection for her in front of another. Her eyes soft and shining with love for him. Her mind recalling the events from a few nights ago, but she pushed that away and refocused on what was at hand. Zalen's voice cutting in after Ookami's introduction. She looked over to the alpha and then back to Ookami trying to gauge his reaction. "..I know I really didn't talk too much about my intentions on joining a pack...and being this is the first one I did check out, I hope I'm not being too bold in thinking you'd like to join with me. I just felt so comfortable here after Zalen and I feels like home to me.." Her ears remained back, as her head lowered again keeping her eyes on Ookami.

She felt perhaps speaking for him was bold, but that was also why she called for him. She looked to Zalen for a moment as she fell silent letting them now speak, and allow Ookami to find out for himself if this would be a pack he would like to join.

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