Whispers can be heard, but there is only silence
It was a little amusing that almost everyone had to look up at him but it was also a bit embarrassing that he towered over everyone. The female seemed a little shy and he gave a friendly smile and gave a slight wag of his tail. She apologized for possibly interrupting him. ”I was just relaxing in my room by sharpening my knives.” He was sure that in this pack it wasn’t all that odd, since most were warriors like him.

Her reasons for coming were met with an appreciative smile. ”That was very thoughtful of you, miss. Would you care to come in?” He moved a side slightly and gestured for her to enter his rooms. She seemed a little nervous and he could hear his ferrets squeak and saw her look to see what it was. ”That would be my two baby ferrets. They want to know what I’m up to, I think.”

She introduced herself as Laikira and he grinned at her. ”It’s a pleasure to meet you, Laikira. My name is Fritz Earl and my two ferrets you heard are Beth and Benny. I hope to breed them when they’re a bit older.” He rubbed their heads again and glanced at his guest. ”Is there anything in particular you wanted to know?”

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