[M] What of the time passed?
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

OOC: Thought I'd make it apparent that this is mature...as it seems to be going in that direction. Young, or Virgined eyes should advert as of post the 3rd Adonia post it does start to get a little mushy and maybe PG-13...might become R...don't know..so beware...

She could tell she was close to a pack, and from she had learned from Evera was this could be New Dawn, a 'dangerous' pack. They were miles away though...at least five to be exact. Her mind wasn't on the pack as much as it was on Ookami. How was it that she had searched days, even months, and then he just shows up out of the blue? She had to admit...she had given up trying to find him. She thought he had left her, abandoned her...but that wasn't the case...was it? Her eyes glanced over to him, a silent smile spread over her muzzle. She sought his eyes for an emotion. She was glad to see him, really...but what had he been doing all this time. He said he had been searching for her...but, where had he gone? The packland was large in Ichika...but how did she keep missing his trail, only finding old scent. She was confused. Were they still...together? Did he still long to be with her?

The answer was obvious, why would he have sought her out after so much time? He had no smell of another on him, not the slightest...so his eyes only sought her. Her head bowed down as she came to the river that the falls spilled into leaning ever so cautiously near she lowered her muzzle to the cold water. The water felt so good on her tongue and throat, it tasted even better than pond or even water from further down. It probably was so because of how fast past it had moved down the mountain side. She wondered how it tasted at the top before it cascaded down those many falls. To figure that out was a dangerous adventure, one Adonia didn't feel like risking.

After taking in as much water as she could, she backed carefully away then took in the crisp night air. The moon was so full tonight it made her smile. She loved the night; the stars; the moon. She took her blue eyes away from the sky to look over at her fairly golden colored male, again she remained quiet just taking in the fact that it was him that was here, not some imaginary image. To ensure this was true she came closer, close enough to feel the heat that radiated from him, to feel his fur against hers. She let her head lift, her neck stretching as much as it could to rest on his shoulder, but she couldn't, he was much taller than her. Really, Ookami was the largest male she'd ever seen. She felt small next to him, but despite his size he was the most gentle canine she'd met. She remained in front of him, next off to the right as she kept her the side of her head pressed up to his shoulder blade. "...why couldn't I find you?" She whispered.

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