blood bound

The small fire inside was nearly smokeless, something he did out of habit these days. It was dried wood kindled with pine, and burned hot and fast before stilling to a longer burn with heavier wood. Ibsen slept nearby, perched on a log that he had dragged in with Viggo’s help. It was hollowed out and served as a useful storage area for his pine pieces, as well as the extra stones he found along the shore. Smooth and round, they lined the bottom of his low pit. A metal pot, scavenged and old, steamed above the low-burning flames.

Ezekiel sat on a stuffed deer hide, sewing. He had been working on the bag for two days now and nearly finished—it was simple but one he intended for use with the horses. A single large piece of leather served as the base, wide and heavy. He had cut it with a knife to shape the hide into something that would better sit on the back-end of a horse, and was almost finished with the final side when the call came from outside.

Ibsen woke, lifted his head, and muttered something that the coyote ignored. He lowered his project and pulled himself up, moving to the skinny entrance of his home. Outside he spotted Vesper, four legged, looking only half-as tired as she really was. The Aquila raised his ears and motioned for her to enter, then retreated back into the cave. A secondary stuffed hide was pulled out from his bed and pulled over so she could be more comfortable.

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