Just be careful not to put too much dialogue or actions in one post. It makes replies really disjointed. ^^;
[/html]Tayui found herself relaxing into his words as he spoke now that he was whispering. She found that his voice was actually quite nice now that it wasn’t hurting her. She closed her eyes so that she could concentrate on what he was saying rather than drifting in and out of periodic blackness. She replied with a quiet, ‘hmm,’ as she pondered her options. Now that she was awake, she didn’t want to go back to sleep. She wanted to relish this familiar sensation of being conscious and awake. She shook her head ‘no,’ but decided that she would ask for some opium later if the pain got to be too bad. Since she didn’t know that much about drugs nowadays, she wasn’t too comfortable taking them. She didn’t want to fall asleep and never wake up, afterall.

Tayui re-opened her eyes when the wolf spoke again. He fired off questions faster than Tayui could reply, so she just looked at him helplessly for a second. She didn’t know if she could even talk that well, let alone answer all the questions. Steeling herself, she replied: “Fine, Tayui, a fight.” She watched as he moved around the room, busying himself with various objects and tools. Just watching him made her feel restless, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to get up for a few more days – if she was lucky.

He explained his next steps and then reached toward her. He hesitated for a moment and then asked for permission to continue. She was about to nod when she remembered how dizzy it had made her, so instead, she replied: “go ahead.” She shifted slightly, hoping to give him better access to her bandaged shoulder. She didn’t want to get in the way when he was trying to help her. [html]

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